Monday, February 7, 2011

How HashMap works in Java

How HashMap works in Java
How HashMap works in Java or sometime how get method work in HashMap is common interview questions now days. Almost everybody who worked in Java knows what hashMap is, where to use hashMap or difference between hashtable and HashMap then why this interview question becomes so special? Because of the breadth and depth this question offers. It has become very popular java interview question in almost any senior or mid-senior level java interviews.

Questions start with simple statement

"Have you used HashMap before" or "What is HashMap? Why do we use it “
Almost everybody answers this with yes and then interviewee keep talking about common facts about hashMap like hashMap accpt null while hashtable doesn't, HashMap is not synchronized, hashMap is fast and so on along with basics like its stores key and value pairs etc.
This shows that person has used hashMap and quite familier with the funtionalities HashMap offers but interview takes a sharp turn from here and next set of follow up questions gets more detailed about fundamentals involved in hashmap. Interview here you and come back with questions like

"Do you Know how hashMap works in Java” or
"How does get () method of HashMap works in Java"
And then you get answers like I don't bother its standard Java API, you better look code on java; I can find it out in Google at any time etc.
But some interviewee definitely answer this and will say "HashMap works on principle of hashing, we have put () and get () method for storing and retrieving data from hashMap. When we pass an object to put () method to store it on hashMap, hashMap implementation calls
hashcode() method hashMap key object and by applying that hashcode on its own hashing funtion it identifies a bucket location for storing value object , important part here is HashMap stores both key+value in bucket which is essential to understand the retrieving logic. if people fails to recognize this and say it only stores Value in the bucket they will fail to explain the retrieving logic of any object stored in HashMap . This answer is very much acceptable and does make sense that interviewee has fair bit of knowledge how hashing works and how HashMap works in Java.
But this is just start of story and going forward when depth increases a little bit and when you put intervieww on scenarios every java developers faced day by day basis. So next question would be more likely about collision detection and collision resolution in HashMap e.g

"What will happen if two different objects have same hashcode?”
Now from here confusion starts some time interviewer will say that since Hashcode is equal objects are equal and HashMap will throw exception or not store it again etc. then you might want to remind them aobut equals and hashCode() contract that two unequal object in Java very much can have equal hashcode. Some will give up at this point and some will move ahead and say "Since hashcode () is same, bucket location would be same and collision occurs in hashMap, Since HashMap use a linked list to store in bucket, value object will be stored in next node of linked list." great this answer make sense to me though there could be some other collision resolution methods available this is simplest and HashMap does follow this.
But story does not end here and final questions interviewer ask like

"How will you retreive if two different objects have same hashcode?”
Interviewee will say we will call get() method and then HashMap uses keys hashcode to find out bucket location and retreives object but then you need to remind him that there are two objects are stored in same bucket , so they will say about traversal in linked list until we find the value object , then you ask how do you identify vlaue object because you don't value object to compare ,So until they know that HashMap stores both Key and Value in linked list node they won't be able to resolve this issue and will try and fail.

But those bunch of people who remember this key information will say that after finding bucket location , we will call keys.equals() method to identify correct node in linked list and return associated value object for that key in HashMap. Perfect this is the correct answer.

In many cases interviewee fails at this stage because they get confused between hashcode () and equals () and keys and values object in hashMap which is pretty obvious because they are dealing with the hashcode () in all previous questions and equals () come in picture only in case of retrieving value object from HashMap.
Some good developer point out here aht using immutable, final object with proper equals () and hashcode () implementation would act as perfect HashMap keys and improve perforance of hashMap by reducing collision. Immutablity also allows cacching there hashcode of different keys which makes overall retreival process very fast and suggest that String and various wrapper classes e.g Integer provided by Java Collection API are very good HashMap keys.

I like this question because of its depth and number of concept it touches indirectly, if you look at questions asked during interview this HashMap questions has verified
Concept of hashing
Collision resolution in HashMap
Use of equals () and hashCode () method and there importance?
Benefit of immutable object?

Just to summararize here are the answers which does makes sense for above questions

How HashMAp works in Java
HashMap works on principle of hashing, we have put () and get () method for storing and retrieving object form hashMap.When we pass an both key and value to put() method to store on HashMap, it uses key object hashcode() method to calculate hashcode and they by applying hashing on that hashcode it identifies bucket location for storing value object.
While retrieving it uses key object equals method to find out correct key value pair and return value object associated with that key. HashMap uses linked list in case of collision and object will be stored in next node of linked list.
Also hashMap stores both key+value tuple in every node of linked list.

What will happen if two different HashMap key objects have same hashcode?
They will be stored in same bucket but no next node of linked list. And keys equals () method will be used to identify correct key value pair in HashMap.

In terms of usage HashMap is very versatile and I have mostly used hashMap as cache in electronic trading application I have worked . Since finance domain used Java heavily and due to performance reason we need caching a lot HashMap comes as very handy there.

to check some article on hashMap see here

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